Name - Brand Name is a necessary condition to start a startup, and a sufficient condition is a platform and a method. There are many platforms, many methods, but the Name and Brand Name are only one.
In the digital era, Domain Name is the Brand Name for a product or service (subdomain can also be used instead). There are global brands and regional brands depending on the scope of operations, but it is necessary to standardize for the future if there is development.
The Domain Name must be short, easy to understand, easy to remember, easy to recognize, and easy to express.
VNWP.COM is the place to start your Startup. A place the fishing rod is given, not the fish. A place to give you the Brand Name, platform and method to start your Startup, the choice is up to you. A place that will accompany you (if needed) and more...
VNWP.COM has the following main activities:
How VNWP.COM works:
VNWP.COM uses the highly reputable and guaranteed and SEDO.COM as a partner for payment and transfer domain name.
Agreement of use: When you enter into an economic transaction contract with VNWP.COM, you automatically agree to VNWP.COM way of operating. Any disputes, if any, will be resolved according to VNWP.COM way of operating and according to customary practices.